April 17, 2009

[ street post graffiti]

Ministery for Culture

Dear Mrs. Paulina Urrutia:
I am writing to express my disappointment with the way that teenagers post and write messages in the street, known as "graffitis". Actually, a colouring expression full of rebelliousness and juvenile communication. Nevertheless, as a urban art for many people, the graffitis are also an inconvenience for medical centers and hospitals, recreative facilities, hotel, house and any type of installation.
In some cases, vandalism attack in private property writing negative messages.
I strongly believe that you should find a solution about this problem. In fact, could be exist walls where the grafiteros could express, which was a center of attraction for them.
It`s true that they have the right to express because they look for walls where the public could catch the messages. I insist that the government should operate to solve this problem, offering them nearby walls with good location. Also, should exists a section that deals with the building cleanliness, maintenance of parks, squares and that wipe off the graffitis of these places.

I hope that you will look into this situation and take my comments into consideration.

Best regards
Catalina Vilchez C
English Pedagogy student


  1. I agree with you, sometimes the graffities don't look like art, they paint things related with politics, offensive words... I don't like to see that...

  2. I was going to say the same as Marta xD
    But somo other graffities are very very nice! just like one that I saw on Escuela militar Station.
    Lv Ya!

  3. i am agree with all of you (marta, fefa and cata)
    sometimes graffities are just offensive words, but some others are really nice!
    i think a good solution for this it is if they have a place were they can paint and create.

    kiss and hugs

